Monster hunter rise set builder
Monster hunter rise set builder

monster hunter rise set builder

Additionally, these sets will be listed without weapons, as a weapon can drastically change the route of a specific gear’s choice.

monster hunter rise set builder

Hopefully, you can use these as cores for any other example sets you may want to try out, expanding your way of thought process while deciding on a specific build in Monster Hunter Rise. There are many ways you can use weapons and skills accordingly, but since the main focus is killing monsters the fastest and easiest possible, our best builds list will mostly include offensive setups. Best builds in Monster Hunter RiseĪs mentioned, the following will be setups that are mainly used in the current meta, for fast clear times and efficient hunting, rather than targeting each playstyle individually.

#Monster hunter rise set builder free

That said, we are here to present some of the most used setups from high-end hunters, so feel free to take a look. Therefore, a definite and optimal build is hard to judge, based on all of the above. Not only that, but finding that one specific ‘best build’ for each weapon can be really subjective, since there is a great number of possible gear combos, talisman picks, and of course, individual playstyles. Your quest of finding the very best builds from the huge amount of armor pieces and items Monster Hunter Rise throws at you, can be a tough one considering how many possibilities there are.

Monster hunter rise set builder